law school: i (kind of) love you, but you’re bringing me down

December 7, 2012 § Leave a comment

so. i‘m in law school. i have mentioned this, no? well, littlebookishthings is about books not law, so i guess what i do during the day doesn’t really matter. except when it prevents me from doing what i‘d like to do with my evenings, which is read and write about what i‘m reading. unfortunately, it’s that time of the year again when i’m called to tell my professors, in three and a half hours, everything i’ve (supposedly) learned. it’snot. fun.

so, for the next week or so, littlebookishthings is going to be m.i.a. i leave you with this little gem (kermit the frog and lcd soundsystem!). if i had time, i‘d rewrite the lyrics to fit my situation. but honestly it’s pretty much perfect as it is, so why bother?

interesting note: if you are, know or love a lcd soundsystem fan, you might be interested to know about LCD, the book of photography by Ruvan Wijesooriy featuring the band coming out next week on the 11th. previews of the book can be found here.

and here’s a picture of james murphy’s bookshelf.

favorite quote: “I always sign books when I read them, and I make people, when they borrow them, sign the backs and that way I know who borrowed my books and who’s read them, and when.”

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